
Operation LinkedIn: Improving Your Follower Base

Welcome back and happy Friday! Today we are ending our LinkedIn series with tips and tricks for increasing your follower base. Thanks for sticking around, let’s get started!

Promote your page outside the company

Promoting within LinkedIn is great, but don’t forget you can promote through other means as well. Try adding a follow bottom for LinkedIn on your company website. This will invite industry related customers to view your LinkedIn page, which in turn can give you access to an even wider range of followers.

Create a showcase page

A showcase page is where you can feature your company’s products and services. The best part about this is that it runs its own analytics so you can see how followers respond. Showcase pages are a great way to show what you have to offer, as well as promote popular products. To create a showcase page, look under the edit button to the far right and click on create a showcase page.

Use keywords

Keywords are an awesome way to ensure that your profile comes up in search engines. Try to create a short list of keywords or phrases that are relevant to your business and incorporate them into your profile. Google’s keyword planner is a great tool for this if you need some help.

And that’s a wrap folks! Thank you for hanging out with us for the week, hopefully you enjoyed our series on LinkedIn. Make sure to subscribe for other fun series in the future!


Sarah Eckenrode

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